Today was the most wonderful day on earth. I hope someone doesn't wake me up from a dream and I find this is not real. What a day! This environment is so up my ally. I love it. There were a few clouds this morning early but they quickly left. The whole day was completely cloud free. Boy was it nice. I sat on our beach and tried to soak it all in. I washed my clothes and hung them to dry and then tried my hand at a little decorating in the house. Every little change is fun. Then I gave in and started painting the built-in cabinet in our bedroom and finished the two doors I had left. That built-in is going to take some time as I am removing the shelves to do it right.
Richard went fishing again this morning and had a good time. Right now I am sitting at the island in the kitchen. The breeze is blowing in the entry door so nice and cool. I can hear the breakers in the background. If it was daylight, the coconuts would be swaying in the breeze.
After lunch we went to Bloody Bay to snorkel. The water could not have been more wonderful. We were in the water over an hour and a half. We so enjoyed our time there. We do not always snorkel at the same dive sites. It is several miles long over there. We are still trying to find those turtles. We did see a grouping of squid, a very small octopus, a two and a half foot (plus very fat) permit and a large barracuda hiding under a ridge way out on the outer side of the wall. What a time!
When we got back, I watered the little coconuts and sat on the beach for my sister Peggy. I hope she enjoyed it. It was spectacular for me. Boy was it hard to go in to start supper and take a shower. I fixed tenderloin steaks, that I brought from home, on the grill. They were tender like butter.
This was a day to put down in the record books or a blog! Yes!
Below is a video of a really large porcupine fish we saw today. It is very unusual to see on not in hiding.
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