The day started normal enough but boy did it get exciting. The very first thing we did was arrange furniture. I was fortunate Richard was able and willing to help me. It was fun. We had to change things because of the new bathroom. I have posted photos of the new arrangements.
Richard got all three bikes up and running now. The one had a blow out earlier. We worked hard on our beach today clearing out more jungle. I got into fire ants twice. They are unbelievable. We also moved a lot of rocks to make a sand entrance for our kayaks.
While working, I felt something crawl quickly up my arm. I tried to get it but it made it into my sleeveless shirt. Suddenly it was in my bra and bit me. I got it out. It was a brown recluse spider about the size of a quarter. I'm glad I got a good identification. What a devil.
We finally were exhausted from working, Richard announced he was done for the day. It was about 3:30. At that very minute appeared the guys from the grocery store with our new stove and refrigerator. They picked it up for us from the barge. How nice was that! Richard, Kevin, and "the other guy" (sadly, I don't remember his name), hauled them up our steps and into the house. They would not accept payment. That is the kind of people who are on this island.
Kevin called a guy from the island power plant who is coming to pick up our old appliances tomorrow. I guess he is really good at fixing things and is glad to get them.
Tonight I made supper on my brand new stove. It was just like Christmas here. Tomorrow Richard will get to install the new bathroom ceiling fan and the new tankless water heater also. It does seem like we are just replacing everything around here.
The wind was still blowing here today so it was a perfect work day. Sunday it is supposed to start calming down so next week the work will end. The temperature has been in the mid to upper eighties everyday and the 70's at night. We have been sleeping very good. This is the good life they sing songs about.
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