Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A bunch of little fish and a few medium size.

Hello Hecktor! How adorable is this little guy! Actually, he is quite large. The picture doesn't do him justice. He is a Porcupinefish. He kept looking at us with those darling eyes. He was like he was trying to decide if he should come and play with us.

Here is a Grouper feeding on some coral.

This is a shot of a fish and some very pretty coral. It was very colorful.

This fabulous fellow is a Queen Trigger Fish. What a beauty. We saw several of these today. This and several other fish today kept moving their eyes and tilting around checking us out. I have never seen their eyes moving so much. I usually think their eyes just stay still. But they don't. Now I feel bad about eating them. They are starting to seem so personable.

It was a very warm day today with barely a breeze blowing. The sky was clear, the water was almost flat. This was our day. Richard, of course, took off fishing immediately. I did a few things around the house and watered the thirsty little coconuts. I got stupid and started painting. I just want to finish it.

We had lunch and as quick as we could gathered our snorkel gear and took off for Bloody Bay. It was a hot bike ride over there. The water sure felt good. The water was so clear, before we even got in, we saw two stingrays while standing up on the beach. The ocean water is 82 degrees here now so it is like getting into a bathtub. We saw some pretty decent fish and coral but never did find those two stingrays again. I have yet to snorkel with a turtle this year. I keep looking, but no luck.

After getting cleaned up we had a nice dinner. Then we walked on the beach. The sunset was gorgeous tonight. I helped Richard haul his kayak up from the beach. He is going to travel it behind his bike in the morning for fishing. Richard landed in the hammock on the porch after this so I took a chair and we relaxed watching a gazillion stars. What a life.

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