Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

This morning the water was as flat as glass and it was the so beautiful.  This weather has just been outstanding.  We snorkeled on the north side and the water was gin clear even at 40 feet deep.  The coral seems to be doing really well.  It looks healthy.  There are some new areas close to shore that looked great and the fish were feeding there also.  Good to see! 

When we were back home I was sitting on the porch and a morning dove hopped up the steps to me.  He then went to the water dish and had a nice drink.  When he was finished, he waddled over and walked the length of the porch and took the steps back down on the other side.  Unbelievable!  I thought he would fly off but NO!  What bird hops up and down the steps instead of flying!! The critters and birds here constantly amaze me.  They are so tame. 

Tonight I just discovered my little frog sitting on the bedroom window peeking in at me.  What a little cutie.  Nice of him to stay outside though. 

This afternoon, friends stopped by while they were biking.  Tonight we had tuna for dinner on the porch.  I am so loving this lifestyle.  This place is great!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Today was an exciting day on our tiny island paradise.  A 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit about 50 miles east and a little south of us.  It was only about 6 miles deep in the Caribbean sea.  As luck would have it, I was laying in my hammock on the beach when it hit.  Richard was standing right along side of me.  It lasted 28 seconds but felt to me like 28 minutes!  It was terrible!  We watched our house shake and heard and saw the windows rattling.  Island police drove by telling everyone to go to high ground in case of tsunami threat.  Our house did not receive any damage and we are grateful.   Tonight when I opened a cupboard door, my spices fell out.  Crazy! 

Yesterday was a much more relaxing day.  I went on a long bike ride in the morning.  In the afternoon, Richard and I paddled to Owen Island and went snorkeling and swimming.  The water was so flat.  Super easy paddling.  We used our new sun shelter tent from Natalie and Michael.  It works wonderful.  We will be using it a lot! 

Last night we went to dinner with friends.  With all this calm weather, the barge has been arriving in a timely fashion.  I grocery shopped today.  Richard has been fishing from a boat that has been working great and catching tuna!  We have food. 
Our sun tent.  We love it!!  
We forgot the camera when on Owen so I took photo of it on our beach.
Our beautiful sunset tonight.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Saturday, January 25, 2020

It has been busy, busy here on Little Cayman.  We are making the most of this fantastic weather.  Richard has caught some fish so that has been great.  Last night we had friends over to enjoy some fresh caught fish.  I was up a little late and got up super early to go out fishing with Richard.  The seas were nice and flat the way I like it.  There was a really dark ominous looking cloud right in the east that the sun had to do battle with.  The rest of the sky was clear. 

Richard headed out the door to the boat before me and when I looked to leave, there was a little frog on the floor!  He was cute, but I didn't invite him in!  I was in a hurry and grabbed a small plate to scoop him up and put him out.  Once on the plate, he panicked and jumped right up the sleeve of my fishing shirt!  I screamed!  Good grief!  It felt weird!  So, he stayed in the house while we fished. 

When we returned from fishing, Mr. Froggy was no where to be found!  We had a quick breakfast and I headed to a friends house.  Us girls took kayaks and paddle boards out to Owen Island and did some swimming.  This is what life is like in paradise!  So Much Fun!!  When I returned home, Richard told me little froggy went to the door and asked to be let out.  What a good little froggy.

Tonight I will beat Richard in a game of cards and go to be early.     
The morning sun trying to come up!
Me lounging in a hammock, reading, several days ago.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Today we had a very cool day on Little Cayman!  It was 70 - 72 degrees.  We enjoyed it immensely as it is only one day.  The windows were closed and our fans turned off.  I baked all morning and part of the afternoon.  It warmed up the house nicely.  My walk in the morning was gloriously cool and I never even broke a sweat!  This afternoon I rode my bike and it was still nice and cool.  Very comfortable!  No water play today! 

Richard went fishing yesterday, but not today.  Fish would probably be too cold to eat!  Hahaha! 

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Saturday, January 18,2020

Hello paradise!  A big cold, snowstorm has hit Iowa and Ames was included.  I am so glad to be here on island enjoying the sun and very warm temperatures.  We were down on the beach today and after, I was washing my feet outside.  So much more fun than wearing boots and a 50 below coat. 

I realized it has been a few days since I typed on my blog.  We have been so busy and I just forgot to type! 

Once again this year, we have been eating our meals outside on the porch.  We love watching the sunset and the egrets flying across the water to roost in the trees.  A couple banana quits have found our porch water and have begun entertaining us with their vigorous baths.  A big iguana has stopped by for a visit to welcome us back. 

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Had a busy day on the island today.  We have been sleeping with the windows open so I have been waking up refreshed and ready to enjoy paradise!  After a hardy breakfast enjoyed on the porch overlooking the Caribbean sea we got to work hauling out the trees Richard cut down yesterday.  We have been making room to transplant the coconut trees. 

We took a drive around the island to check out any changes that may have happened while we were away.  Everything passed our inspection. 

This year I brought new glassware so I need to get rid of the old ones.  At home I would just pitch them or take them to goodwill.  On a tiny island one doesn't throw anything away!  I posted on Little Cayman Buy or Sell with a photo.  Immediately, my glassware found a new home.  Tomorrow I will take them to the grocery store and the new owner will pick them up there.  The LC Buy/Sell just started two years ago and it is such a great service. 

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Hello Paradise!

We arrived on Little Cayman on January 9 this year.  We were on the last flight over from Grand and made it just before our tiny grocery store closed.  I raced in and picked up a few essentials.  They were amazingly completely out of milk!  Crazy!  All our luggage arrived, and our truck was waiting at the airport for us.  The property and house looked great.  Mark had his guys clean up the beach and even trimmed things for us.  This year the inside of the house really stayed nice and clean while we were gone.  We kept the suitcases outside on the porch while I did a quick vacuum and got the fridge running.  The cistern was filled to the very top!  Then we left!!

Supper was at the Hungry Iguana.  We enjoyed a tasty, relaxing dinner and headed back to the house under the full moon.  What a beautiful evening!  80 degrees and gorgeous!  I finished unpacking all the suitcases  and made it to bed around 10:30.  Not bad!  We slept with the windows open and it was great!

Friday was a sunny, hot day and we finished setting up the house.  Our island phone was with a company called Digicell.  We had been paying every month to keep this phone active.  The service was dead when we tried to use the phone.  I guess they went kaput!!  We now have a new phone with a new company.  Thank heavens money grows on trees!!  Ha Ha Ha!!!  We had dinner at Southern Cross Club with friends on Friday evening.  It was fun to catch up with them. 

This morning ( Saturday) I worked on the beach attacking my stickers.  The guys failed with my sticker project this time.  We will get there eventually.  Richard cut trees again and I will haul them away and call it my weight training.  A  bunch of new little coconut trees are growing on our property.  We will dig them out and relocate them.  This has never happened before and we are thrilled. 

This afternoon is hot and sunny and time for me to jump in the water.  It looks pretty inviting and I can't pass it up!  What a great day!