Brandon and I getting ready to snorkle.

Just a note: I am having trouble with posting photos this year.
Just a note: I am having trouble with posting photos this year.
This blog is including Jan. 31 and Feb 1 as I got kicked off the internet last night and it destroyed my blog. We had totally beautiful weather here yesterday. Richard went to the store here and picked up a few things and bought valves for the washing machine. Suddenly my washer was leaking terrible. He turned off the water but forgot the hot and flooded the whole bathroom. That floor is nice and clean now. Still, I am very gratefull he is a "jack of all trades"
We had an early lunch and then Richard and Brandon went fishing. They were able to walk on out on the reef and as Brandon was walking suddenly there was a giant 2 foot lobster coming right at him. It was real red with a little yellow on it. The feelers were almost 2 ft long too. He put his paddle out in front and the thing start poking it. What an adventure. He also caught 4 nice fish and 2 barracuda that escaped. It sure was fun to hear him tell the story.
In the afternoon I raked the beach side of the yard. Then I had the hard job of holding down my wonderful teak beach chair and read a fun book. After a dinner of roast beef and potato salad and broccoli the glorious day was complete. This was the day our friends, the Arthurs, headed to Mexico for a week of warm weather. Perfect timing as Ames is getting a bunch of snow and cold temps. this week. Boy are we glad to miss it.
Today, our camera broke. Brandon is leaving his with us to use. What a great son. Thank you Brandon.
February 1, Tuesday
Today was cloudy when we woke up but it cleared up nicely when the sun woke up. This is Brandons last day with us. It sure was fun to have him along. We ate breakfast, did some chores and about 10:30 headed to Bloody Bay on the North Side. Boy did we snorkle. We saw the best of everything. Brandon really loved it. He said he liked it better than Point of Sands.
Unbeknowanced (is that a word) to me, I forgot to put sun block on the back of my legs. I have third degree burns all over the back of my legs. Good heavens! They are on fire. I was out there 3-4 hours! I had the most fun ever though. We had a good hearty lunch after that workout and got clean up. Brandon packed his bag. We took a few photos and a little later headed to the airport. Of course, we went to the Hungry Iguana and each had a fun drink. We sat outside by the water and waited for the plane to arrive.
Richard went along to Grand Cayman with Brandon. He will shop for a new pump tomorrow before coming back to LC. So Brandon will head to Chicago at 8:00 a.m. and hope he doesn't get stuck in the airport. Chicago is getting 24 inches of snow. It is a pretty bad storm. But all one can do is go to get your flight and see if the plane takes off. I just want him to be safe.
So, I am here all alone at the house for the first time. It is super quiet as I have no TV or radio. A tiny island just doesn't have any noise. Good thing I am good at talking to myself. There won't even be any snoring noise in the background tonight.
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