These two photos show Brandon and I at the Wharf Restaurant on the first night on arriving at Grand Cayman on Jan. 26.

Brandon and Richard ate lunch on the "extra day" at The Lighthouse Restaurant at Grand C. The other photo is Brandon at the Blow Holes at G.C.
Here is Brandon getting on the plane to leave Little Cayman. It is a very small plane. I had to say goodby to him here.
This shot is Brandon having a drink at the outdoor rest. at the Marriot. Water in the backgroung.
This shot is Brandon having a drink at the outdoor rest. at the Marriot. Water in the backgroung.
Thursday I awoke after another night all alone here on the little island. I slept very well again in this fresh warm air. After a quick breakfast and some morning chores I headed to the barge location to pick up our items that we bought at Grand Cayman. There was no one else there so I tried and tried to climb up into the container to no avail. These are the containers just like on a train while waiting at the crossing gate when driving. I was getting my clothes all rust and dirt stained. Finally, Fernando, who works at Southern Cross Club, drove up to get more of their supplies. He was a sweetheart and passed my things down to me. I loaded my vehicle and drove to the new grocery store. It is called the Little Cayman Distributors. They had just received their fresh fruit and veggies on the barge. I bought some nice grapes that cost me $12.42. Yes, that is twelve! Still, I sure had fun buying groceries. I headed back to the house. This car is making life so easy here.
After a nice lunch, I headed to the airport to meet Richard's 1:30 flight. He arrived and we headed home. He got busy installing one of the new ceiling fans in the bedroom as it is very hot at night without it.
At 4:00 we headed back to "town" to return the wonderful vehicle. Perry Mclaughlin (car guy) drove us back to the house. On the way home he took us to see his house. He wanted to show us his mango trees. He has a whole orchard of them. He has a very fruitful hobby! We had to, of course, refill the gas we used in the car. They were completely out of gas so they were expecting new to come in last night. The cost went up 39 cents a gallon CY. so it will be around 45 cents US more. They get the gas here from South America and it is extremely expensive. This is why we will ride the bikes now, I guess. I made supper and then tried to write on my blog but the internet wouldn't work. I had to wait and do it the following morning. That was O.K. as I was ready to sleep anyway. This life of leisure seems to exhaust me.
We got good news that Brandon made it back to the States and is safe in his own apartment again. It is back to work and battling the cold and snow for him. Hopefully, he has some warm and fun memories to get him through. It was sure fun to have him here.
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