Today we woke up to an exciting morning. The barge was right outside our living room window. The sea has been very rough so it didn't arrive on Wednesday and now it is Sunday and we are still waiting. It finally made it to the dock but had to hang out all day because it was too rough to come close. There is also a huge yacht parked out there but it may just be biding time for the seas to calm. Things are hopping around here for sure.
We finally ate breakfast. We needed to make a trip to the store. I had absolutely nothing to give Richard for lunch. We were hoping there would be something at the store even though the barge wasn't making it in. But the fishing bug bit Richard and he took off. He didn't get back until 11:45. No lunch! We had to hurry as the store closes at 1:00 on Sunday. We raced on the bikes. The wind was howling. What a ride! Coming back was a real workout.
The chain saw needed a new blade, which we picked up at the store this trip also. After a good lunch we worked on the jungle again. Richard cleared out some really big boulders using the chain saw. We are making very good progress. We now see way more of our beach front.
We spent some time picking out supplies for the new bathroom today too. On the internet we found our shower, sink, etc. Tomorrow the builder is coming by. This day is almost over and I am starting to mourn that my time here is almost finished for this year. When you're living the good life, it is hard to quit.
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