Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 17, 2011 Thursday

Phote of wave coming in at the breakers. The tide was way out.
The things I painted orange are on the shelves in the bedroom. The basket is made from island grape branches and vines. I also painted the conch shell, coral and shell shaped vase/plate.

Richard with his kayak on the breakers.

Same photo. Whoops!

Richard's big barracuda. He was fun to catch.

What a day! We got up and got going right away. We decided to take our kayaks out even though it is still windy. It was a workout but we made it out and about. Fun! Richard tried to do a little bone fishing. Later in the morning we started clearing more of the jungle. We are still waiting for the chain saw Richard the builder promised. That will help a lot.
After lunch we worked for a while and then headed out on the water again. Richard wanted to try fishing out on the breakers. The tide was way out because of the full moon. He caught a big barracuda. I saw tons of sting rays and huge fish. It was fun.

The moon is full tonight and unbelievably bright. It is like daylight. I love walking on the beach under a full moon.

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