Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thursday, February 18, 2016

I woke up today and I am still here at Little Cayman and loving every minute of it!  It was a beautiful day of sunshine and warm temperatures again.

We are still eating our meals outside on the porch.  I have a dishpan of fresh water there and the tiny little yellow bananaquit birds have decided to use it as a place to drink and take a bath!  They are just adorable!  Tonight while we were eating dinner, one flew in.  They are not shy of us at all.  The little guy proceeded to get a several drinks.  He loved it so much, he decided to take a luxurious bath!  This water is 3 to 4 inches deep at least!  He lounged around in it and sometimes would splash up a storm!  He would fly away for a minute and come right back and do it all again!  One cannot pay for this kind of dinner entertainment!  Tomorrow I will empty this water onto one of our young start up coconut trees and fill it again.

Last night we went to Wet Your Whistle at SCC.  We had a nice time there visiting with friends.  Afterwards, we went to Beach Resort for dinner.  They had Trivia Night.  There was a lot of people there and it was tons of fun!  I enjoyed not cooking dinner.  Tonight when I made our food, it was so much easier after having a night off.    

We worked on our beach sand today again.  It is really looking good!

Richard is still trying to get the boat running.  Progress is being made but there is additional trouble.
It turns out this motor is a high performance motor and requires special care.  He is getting more parts in and we will have a maintenance man fly here from Grand to help with it.  By the time we leave island this motor will be purring like a kitten!  I think we need to rename this boat.  It will be called $$$ Made of Money$$$!

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