Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday, March 19, 2018

Who would think weather conditions could be so perfect!  Well, this is paradise!  I just love seeing the open sea so calm.  So pretty!  Richard and I had another beautiful snorkel this afternoon.  The water is warm and comfy.  We finally saw a turtle today.  He was way out in the super deep water. 

This morning Richard took a couple guys out fishing and they came home empty handed.  I imagine no one talked to the fish when they were out there.  I always try to sing song them in when I go out there.  I guess that's my secret! Shhh!

It might seem like we are spending a lot of time in the water and it's true.  When conditions are like this, live in the water!

Here is a pretty angel trigger fish

Check out this cute grouper and that's a brain coral next to him.