Hello to everyone,
Here is the view from our porch facing the Caribbean. Notice tiny Owen Island in the background. Our property proceeds over to the left a ways and then 100 feet to the right. That is a mangrove on the left. Right in front is an island Grape tree. We are still clearing some more to the right and with show more photos later. I have a few Jasmin trees and a Papaya tree also. Of course there are silver palms and a lot of coconut trees.
We landed at Grand Cayman on Wednesday. Of course we ate at The Wharf (spectacular restaurant right on the water) and watched the sun set into the caribbean. After dinner we walked to a grocery store to check out prices and bought a few things.
We arrived at Little Cayman on Thursday at 3:15 p.m. The weather was warm 87 degrees and a slight perfect breeze. This is a dream! We had to wait a little while for our ride to arrive and deliver us to our house. We visited with some people and enjoyed the warmth.
Gert (past owner) was at the house to greet us and prepare us dinner. She had invited another couple who winter on the island to eat with us. They are very nice and I look forward to seeing Lynn again this evening at "ladies night" at the Blue Lagoon restaurant. The Blue Lagoon is right next door to our house and is the favorite of the "locals". It is pretty nice.
That first night I was tired but excitement kept me awake most of the night. It was sure different to sleep without air conditioning. Already I am used to it now.
Friday morning we started working. I cleaned out tons of things left by the previous owners and started cleaning like a fool. Richard started right away on the outside. We want to see the water and he gave us the best view in the world. This is work beyond all words. Imagine a jungle.
Saturday I had no choice but to join him on the outside quest. It is backbreaking work and offers cuts and scratches as a lovely bonus. But slow but sure we are seeing a beautiful sandy beach you have to see to believe. We are the luckiest people on earth.
So far we are eating breakfast at the house and ride our bikes 3.6 miles to Southern Cross Club for lunch and dinner. That will end on Thursday as we will fly back to Grand Cayman and purchase our food for the month and also buy a new bed for us. We need a good bed here in paradise. I have been doing laundry every morning and hang it outside to dry. I have a pully system that I use from the deck. It drys in no time as the sun is hot and a wind is blowing in that area. You can't even tell the clothes weren't in a clothes dryer. Boy, do they smell nice.
We are drinking our water from a 15 thousand gallon cystern of rain water. It was full when we arrived. The water is filtered with a charcoal filter first, then it goes through an ultraviolet tube to be sterilized and then still another charcoal filter at the sinks. So far we are OK. The water tastes good too.
I will try to update this everyday. We are so busy that I can't be held responsible if I skip a day or two. Tomorrow (Wed.) our kayaks arrive and we may never work again. Time to snorkle and dive and just plain swim and splash in the water. Let the fun begin.
Until later,
Beach bum Carolyn
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