This is a shot of the house from the beach .
The moon was almost full.
I am pointing to a little coconut tree we planted.
Here I am lounging today in my hammock.
Notice the nice white paint on the house.
This is the driveway entrance to our house
from the street. The picture is small but you
can see the hammocks in the far back.
Another shot of the entrance from the street.
Thursday was a glorious day. Overnight we had a thunderstorm. The temperature cooled and there is hardly any humidity. The sky was clear all day and the sun was warm and perfect. It was the kind of weather that made you want to get some work done. I washed windows this morning and the blinds too. I still have more to do but they aren't going anywhere so I'm not worried. I worked at least an hour picking up Sea Grape leaves left laying around after the thunderstorm. Richard worked putting the storage room in order and putting the open area under the house back together. Everything sure looks nice. After lunch we worked on the beach some more. It is really looking good. We took more photos. We can't seem to take enough photos. It is so fun to see the before and afters.
The moon is almost full tonight. We walked our beach tonight and it was so pretty. Tons of stars are out and the moon is so bright. It is also very quiet as the breaker waves are being sent out to sea. It is hard to put into words how much I love this. It is so relaxing.
Tomorrow we are planning to rent a car and drive around the island. Should be fun. I will do laundry in the morning as we leave soon and I don't want to come back to dirty things. It will be hard to leave here but we have a beautiful home in Ames and more important, our kids are there and close by in Minneapolis. In the meantime, I am still here in paradise.
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