Monday, January 28, 2019

Monday, January 28, 2019

Hello paradise!  Boy, am I glad to be here where it is warm.  Temps are plummeting back home to an actual temp of -23 F.  Today, we had rain and some wind.  It was an actual storm!  Our cistern is happy. 

Today, I feel like I am leaving that nasty virus behind.  What a relief! 

Richard has been enjoying catching tons of fish.  One day he actually caught 14 fish!  It has been fun, we gave fish away!  His perseverance with that boat motor paid off. 

We have been waiting for the tiny bananaquit birds to find our water on the porch this year.  Only two have visited us this year so far.  Where have they gone? 

Progress is being made on our Murphy Bed.  Richard has been busy.  He already burned up his saw and luckily was able to borrow one.  I guess that is what we will be stuffing into a suitcase next year!


  1. Please send pictures of the house and the Murphy bed progress... (so E and I can imagine where will we will be sleeping).

  2. Checking out fellow Cayman bloggers. The weather here is freezing! I don't think it even hit 80 today!
