Saturday, January 11, 2020

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Hello Paradise!

We arrived on Little Cayman on January 9 this year.  We were on the last flight over from Grand and made it just before our tiny grocery store closed.  I raced in and picked up a few essentials.  They were amazingly completely out of milk!  Crazy!  All our luggage arrived, and our truck was waiting at the airport for us.  The property and house looked great.  Mark had his guys clean up the beach and even trimmed things for us.  This year the inside of the house really stayed nice and clean while we were gone.  We kept the suitcases outside on the porch while I did a quick vacuum and got the fridge running.  The cistern was filled to the very top!  Then we left!!

Supper was at the Hungry Iguana.  We enjoyed a tasty, relaxing dinner and headed back to the house under the full moon.  What a beautiful evening!  80 degrees and gorgeous!  I finished unpacking all the suitcases  and made it to bed around 10:30.  Not bad!  We slept with the windows open and it was great!

Friday was a sunny, hot day and we finished setting up the house.  Our island phone was with a company called Digicell.  We had been paying every month to keep this phone active.  The service was dead when we tried to use the phone.  I guess they went kaput!!  We now have a new phone with a new company.  Thank heavens money grows on trees!!  Ha Ha Ha!!!  We had dinner at Southern Cross Club with friends on Friday evening.  It was fun to catch up with them. 

This morning ( Saturday) I worked on the beach attacking my stickers.  The guys failed with my sticker project this time.  We will get there eventually.  Richard cut trees again and I will haul them away and call it my weight training.  A  bunch of new little coconut trees are growing on our property.  We will dig them out and relocate them.  This has never happened before and we are thrilled. 

This afternoon is hot and sunny and time for me to jump in the water.  It looks pretty inviting and I can't pass it up!  What a great day!

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