Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Tomorrow we leave Little Cayman.  This is more that a month before our scheduled departure flight.  The airport at Grand Cayman is closing on Sunday due to the Covid-19 virus.  We could stay but would be here indefinitely. 

The island is like a ghost town.  All the resorts are empty and closed.  The little restaurant is closed except for carry out orders.  The grocery store is open.  The barge will still come in but who knows! We made the decision to leave just two days ago so we have been busy closing up the house and packing. 

We are hoping and praying there is a cure for this virus soon and people will stay healthy. 

1 comment:

  1. Carolyn, Richard gave me your blog address and I am testing to see if I copied correctly? I have never blogged but would like to try my luck in establishing one for our Lions Club. Do you have any advice?
