Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

This is my last post for the 2019 season.  Goodbye Little Cayman!  It was such a fun three months. 
We spent the day enjoying our beautiful place and organizing and packing up the house.  See you in January!  Tomorrow will be spent in airport world.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

The countdown is on.  I have to leave our island paradise.  After all my efforts to get food here, I am now trying to use things up and get rid of food.  The last week here, leaving is always on my mind.  I am soaking up this sunshine and heat as they are now predicting a mid April snowstorm back home. 

Today I spent the afternoon in the water.  Tomorrow will be packing day and putting my beach chairs away and other items into storage.  Goodbye hammocks! 

Tomorrow CCMI (Central Caribbean Marine Institute) is going to do a live streaming from our beach.  It will be busy around here.  They just might spot the shark I saw close to shore by our kayaks this morning.  I just happened to look out the window and there he was.  Showing off his big dorsal fin!  I could see almost his whole body as he went swimming by.  He is about 4 feet long.  He is probably a Lemon Shark or a Silky.  Impressive!  He has been hanging around here lately. 

I am already looking forward to coming back next January.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Sunday, April 7, 2019

What a fun day in paradise!  It was hot today.  The wind was not strong.  Perfect for spending the day in the water.  I spent some time in my beach hammock today.  It is in the best location!  I just love it! 

We ate dinner on the porch watching the sunset.  It was a big orange ball tonight.  Not a cloud in the sky.  After it set, a group of turtles started feeding (or playing) in the water right in front of our kayaks.  What a show!  How many people get to see that as their after dinner entertainment? 

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Friday, April 6, 2019

Hello paradise!  We have been enjoying these beautiful days here.  Yesterday afternoon, we had such a fun time snorkeling.  The water was so clear, warm and calm.  We went to Jackson's Beach (at what is called Bus Stop).  The water was warm even out at the drop off.  The coral was so pretty and really big fish and critters were out and about.  On the way back in I almost bumped into a turtle.  We surprised each other!  What an adventure! 

We have been organizing and cleaning up things here also as it is getting close to out departure.  Today I emptied the chest freezer and am letting it defrost for clean up.  I have a long list already of things to bring for next year. 

Last night, we went to dinner with several friends.  It was pasta night at SCC.  Yummy food and great company! 
Here is a nice giant grouper we spotted when we were almost at the buoy.
He is a cute ocean trigger fish.
What a huge Porcupinefish!
A school of squid.
A very large grouper swimming along the drop-off.
Turtle I almost bumped into.
Another nice grouper.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Another beautiful day in paradise!  We had a little more of a breeze start up later this morning.  It felt so good.  This morning I went to the airport to send off some friends.  They are here for the winter just like us.  Our season is coming to a close. 

Today I cleaned all our ceiling fans and washed window blinds.  I also made a stop at the grocery store.  I am being very careful with food supplies now as we only have a week left on the island.  Luckily I have more days left to hit the water and have tons of fun.  Then it is home to cold temps in Iowa.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tuesday, April, 2, 2019

I awoke to another perfect day in paradise!  It was hot and sunny with barely a breeze.  The water is super flat.  Today I read my very first blog posts from when we first bought our Little Cayman property.  Even though I lived it, I was amazed by the photos and posts of the early days.  I had some good laughs and fun reminiscing.  We have accomplished a lot here and Richard and I are both very proud of our hard work.  Hopefully, we will have many years to enjoy our home here.

This flat water invited me out for a kayak journey.  I spent the afternoon out exploring our waters.  It was very easy paddling with this flat water and no wind. 

Richard built a frame for our big map of the Caribbean.  I have finished putting the third coat of paint on it so we can hang it back on the wall properly.  While I was painting today, the female iguana visited me.  She sat by me the whole time I painted.  She even watched me while I worked.  She is such good company! 

Tonight we had fresh black fin tuna, fresh from the sea today,  for supper.  I made a stir fry with it.  It was so yummy.  I need to fix this again! 

Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday, April 1, 2019

We had fresh Wahoo for dinner this evening.  Richard caught a big one this morning while out fishing in the deep sea.  I may say, I cooked him just perfect.  He was super yummy!  What a special treat! 

This afternoon, we snorkeled Point of Sand.  It was a sunny, hot, beautiful day with very little breeze.  The water was nice and warm and clear.  There was no current in the water either.  Talk about a relaxing way to spend the afternoon. 
Check out this vibrant blue little fishy!
Nice Grouper
Do you see the shark hiding under the coral?  
A Nurse Shark is asleep under the coral.  It looks like the Blue Tangs are looking at her too.
Six barracuda!  They look like torpedoes!
Looking across the water towards Panama!  Probably 3,000 miles away!
Another view towards Panama.