Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31, 2012 Tuesday

Here we are at the airport checking in luggage. Afterwards we headed to Iggy's just to the left and behind the airport.

Wind was welcoming us when we woke this morning. A "low" was passing to our west and changed our plans for the day. We wanted to snorkel on this, the last day for the kids to be here.

After breakfast we went to the Tarpon Pond to explore and then checked out Bloody Bay, just to be sure. The waves were spectacular! We did some beach combing and discovered a really cool maze going inland someone has built. They have a simple "shack" with a sand floor and used, discarded rain gutters hooked up to a small cistern. They had a couple makeshift tables that are actually beautiful granite that Southern Cross Club had discarded last year during a remodel. There were a lot of miscellaneous yard chairs and a really nice art station. There was a see/saw to play on. Beautiful clearings were throughout the maze. It was really remarkable. I plan on asking about it when we go to Wet Your Whistle Wednesday at SSC. We took some nice photos on the beach.

We showed the kids the elementary school and the police station on the island and then one last lunch at Little Cayman Beach Resort. Very relaxing. Back home we settled on our own beach for awhile. We put the table and chairs out on our porch and played cards. It was a very enjoyable day.

The kids packed their bags and we headed to the Museum before the airport. Then we stopped in at the airport and got their tickets & dropped off their luggage. We had to hurry to Iggy's for our traditional parting drinks. He put them in plastic glasses as the plane arrived. The kids took their drinks on the plane with them. You can't do that in the big airports. What a riot!

We got a message a few minutes ago that they arrived on Grand and had eaten at the Marriott's beautiful outdoor restaurant on the water at 7 Mile Beach. They were excited to have a fun time their last night on the island. Their flight for Chicago leaves at 8:00 a.m.

Richard and I are trying to adjust to the quiet now. I miss the kids being here, it was fun. We will keep busy with our many plans. The kids with keep busy getting back to their jobs. Tomorrow is another day in our wonderful paradise. The wind is supposed to die down in the morning. Maybe we will snorkel and kayak. What a life.

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